Acute Care Team Members

Professor Elizabeth Sapey

Lead for acute care theme

Professor Liz Sapey

Liz is a Professor of Acute and Respiratory Medicine at the University of Birmingham and an Acute and Respiratory Medicine Consultant at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. She is also the Managing Director of Birmingham’s NIHR Clinical Research. Liz is also the founder and Director of PIONEER, the HDRUK Data Hub in acute care, linking highly granular electronic health data from national primary, ambulance, and secondary care settings.

Suzy Gallier

Deputy lead for acute care theme

Suzy Gallier

Suzy is Head of Informatics Research & Commercial Development at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. She has over 25 years’ experience of working in both public and private sector healthcare roles, including 10 years as a Director of Operations. This has enabled her to gain a broad understanding of the healthcare environment.

Professor Alice Turner


Alice Turner

Alice is an integral part of quality and safety at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHBFT) and research at the University of Birmingham (UOB) as Institute Director of Research Knowledge and Transfer. Both UHBFT and UOB have a long, well established relationship, facilitated by their close proximity, aligned goals for delivering impactful clinical outcomes as well as numerous shared appointments.

Professor Alastair Denniston


Dr Alastair Denniston

Alastair has expertise in computational science and use of multiple analytical techniques, including machine learning, natural language processing and neural network analysis. He is also actively involved in technology policy
initiatives at national and global level which enables us to research regulatory dimensions of adopting new analytical techniques, which could impact upon organisations’ willingness to adopt them, even if aiding safety.

Professor Simon Ball


Simon Ball photo

Simon has been Clinical Service Lead in Nephrology, an Associate Medical Director and Director of Digital Healthcare. He is involved in the curation and analysis of high value health data assets. In 2018 he became Health Data Research UK Research Director in the Midlands. 

The acute care theme will work with PIONEER. Regionally, PIONEER includes over 3 million care records spanning 15 years, four acute Trusts, the West Midlands Ambulance Services and ExtraCare care homes. Nationally, PIONEER includes data from 163 acute care hospitals in partnership with the Society of Acute Medicine, as well as from partnerships with UCLH and Nottingham University Hospitals, among others. This theme has access to NHS England’s National Reporting and Learning System, a central database of patient safety incident reports since 2003.
More details about PIONEER can be accessed on their website:
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